Show Rules
Membership Information:
Exhibitors must be a member to show
SHA Annual Membership Fee:
$15.00 - Individual
$25.00 - Household (Note: All members must live at the same residence)
Age Divisions:
Pee Wee Exhibitor: 12 years and under
Youth Exhibitor: 13 to 18 years of age
Adult Exhibitor: 19 years and over
Coggins Information:
South Carolina State Law requires that an original copy of negative Coggins Test, performed within the last 12 month period, be shown for each horse attending the show. Missing or expired Coggins will prevent an exhibitor from showing.
Showing Rules: All classes follow appropriate association rules (AQHA, USEF, ARHBA and NBHA). When in question SHA rules supersede all others. Refer to the SHA rulebook for specific information.
Dress Code: Appropriate attire is based on SHA Association rules. Closed toed shoes, long pants and at a minimum T-shirts or collar shirts are required. In English classes jackets may be waived at the judges discretion. Absolutely no sleeveless shirts or tank tops allowed.
The SHA Rulebook is revised every 2 years and offer a comprehensive list of rules and regulations. Every exhibitor should review a copy of the book and familiarize themselves with the association rules and guidelines. The Rulebook is available at each show and online at the link above.